In term of restaurants you can find 140 location in the region (like "MÁS", "McDonald's", "Underdog"). In term of bars/cafes you can find 160 places (like "Fat Sams", "Jute Café Bar"). For cinemas you have 3 places with "Cineworld", "Dundee Contemporary Arts", "Odeon" for example. About ice cream vendors, 1 possibilities exist (like "Jannettas Gelateria").
The following are the major cities: Dundee, Broughty Ferry.
For airports you have 1 locations. As "10 - Ninewells Hospital to Broughty Ferry", "1 - St Marys to City Centre", 653 bus exist in the area. You can find 67 charging stations locally like "Lidl-Stobswell", "Michelin Tyres Dundee" In term of car renting you can find 5 places (like "National", "Arnold Clark"). For parkings you have 22 places with "Balgay Street", "Hunter Street Public Car Park", "Car Park 8" for example. The area offers 12 spots in the "gas stations" category. As "Quick Shine Carwash", "IMO Car Wash", 3 car washes exist in the area. You can find 2 train stations locally like "Dundee", "Broughty Ferry"
For sport places you have 44 places with "Finlathen Skatepark", "Dudhope Skatepark" for example. The area offers 2 spots in the "fire stations" category. As "Malmaison", "Apex Hotel", 21 hotels exist in the area. You can find 13 post offices locally like "Perth Road Post Office", "Blackness Road Post Office", "Craigiebank Post Office" In term of parks you can find 41 location in the region (like "Hilltown Park", "Middleton Wood", "Lochee Park"). In term of police stations you can find 1 places (like "Lochee Police Office"). For banks and/or ATMs you have 15 places with "RBS", "Barclays", "Nationwide" for example.
The area offers 149 spots in the "tourism places" category.
The area offers 57 spots in the "schools" category. As "Dundee Nature Kindergarten", "Cherry Blossom Nursery School", "Tots Academy Nursery", 8 nurseries exist in the area. You can find 5 universities locally like "Abertay University", "Al-Maktoum College", "University of Dundee"
In term of dentists you can find 9 places (like "OrthoWorld", "Cosmetic Dentistry", "Ian Robertson"). For pharmacies you have 23 places with "Boots", "Baird's Pharmacy", "Wallacetown Pharmacy" for example. About hospitals, 6 possibilities exist (like "Royal Victoria Hospital", "Fernbrae Hospital", "Kingsway Care Centre"). For veterinarians you have 2 locations. As "Active Health", "Coldside Medical Practice", 14 doctors exist in the area.
You can find 6 butchers locally like "Yorres of Dundee", "Scott Brothers" In term of bakeries you can find 11 location in the region (like "Clark's Bakery", "Goodfellow & Steven", "Bayne's"). In term of supermarkets you can find 87 places (like "McColl's", "Morrisons", "Tesco Express").
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