These are the principal cities: Middlesbrough, Acklam, Marton.
For bars/cafes you have 86 places with "Medicine Bar", "The Stottie Company" for example. About restaurants, 68 possibilities exist (like "Nando's", "Subway", "The Regent"). For cinemas you have 2 locations.
For dentists you have 3 locations. As "The Bridge", "Oakfield Medical Centre", 10 hospitals exist in the area. You can find 2 veterinarians locally like "Vets4Pets", "P.D.S.A" In term of pharmacies you can find 7 location in the region (like "Outpatients Pharmacy", "Cohens Chemist"). In term of doctors you can find 12 places (like "Bluebell Medical Centre", "Dr Booth, Martonside Way", "Newmedica Surgical Centre").
About banks and/or ATMs, 18 possibilities exist (like "Virgin Money", "Sainsburys Local", "Lloyds Bank"). For sport places you have 17 locations. As "Blue Bell Lodge", "Metro Inns", 12 hotels exist in the area. You can find 10 post offices locally like "N. Ormesby Post Office", "Marshall Avenue Post Office" In term of parks you can find 21 places (like "Mill Hill Recreation Ground", "Clareville Common"). About fire stations, 2 possibilities exist (like "Coulby Newham Fire Station", "Middlesbrough Fire Station").
As "Cooplands", "Thomas the Baker", 4 bakeries exist in the area. You can find 71 supermarkets locally like "M&S Foodhall", "TJ Hughes"
You can find 54 schools locally like "Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School", "Pennyman Primary Academy" In term of universities you can find 24 location in the region (like "Centuria South", "Orion Building", "Foster Building"). In term of playgrounds you can find 2 places (like "Pavillion Pines Park", "Trimdon Avenue Play Area"). For nurseries you have 1 places with "Jack in the Box Day Nursery" for example.
The area offers 50 spots in the "tourism places" category.
In term of gas stations you can find 9 location in the region (like "Tesco Coulby Newham", "Asda", "Esso"). In term of charging stations you can find 29 places (like "Bannatynes Health Club - Coulby Newham", "Morrisons Middlesbrough", "Lidl-Newport Road"). For parkings you have 41 places with "Clock End Car Park", "Visitor Parking" for example. About car renting, 1 possibilities exist (like "Cleveland Autos"). The area offers 2 spots in the "ferries" category. For bus you have 65 locations. As "Marton", "Gypsy Lane", 5 train stations exist in the area.
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