In term of restaurants you can find 41516 location in the region (like "Subway", "Shaw's Fish and Chips"). In term of ice cream vendors you can find 330 places (like "The Sandgrounder Ice Cream Shop", "Creams"). For bars/cafes you have 45662 places with "The Loft Cafe 2019", "The Elephant", "Queens Park Cafe" for example. About cinemas, 445 possibilities exist (like "Limina", "Cineworld").
About tourism places, 27769 possibilities exist (like "Meliden Community Centre", "Bridgewater Hall").
In term of dentists you can find 2719 location in the region (like "White Rose Dental Studio", "Stratfield Road Dental Practice", "Haydons Road Dental Practice"). For hospitals you have 2602 places with "A&E", "Highgate Mental Health Centre", "Wilmslow Health Centre" for example. About veterinarians, 1308 possibilities exist (like "Just Cats", "Medivet", "Abbeymoor Veterinary Centre"). For pharmacies you have 5099 locations. As "Carlton Surgery", "Dr China Wellness", 3164 doctors exist in the area.
The area offers 2314 spots in the "playgrounds" category. For universities you have 3296 locations. As "Fynamore Primary", "Lime Academy Orton", 21923 schools exist in the area. You can find 2731 nurseries locally like "Rhymes Nursery", "Flitwick Day Nursery"
In term of hotels you can find 5413 location in the region (like "The Beechfield", "The Old Rectory", "Travelodge Rugby Central"). In term of fire stations you can find 834 places (like "Perry Barr Community Fire Station", "Community Fire & Rescue Station"). For parks you have 18727 places with "Woodland Field", "Raleigh Crescent Park" for example. About sport places, 12341 possibilities exist (like "Salfords Cricket Club", "Newport Tennis Centre", "Sandridge Sports & Youth Centre"). For town halls you have 688 locations. You can find 4721 post offices locally like "Saltaire Wines", "Scotter Post Office", "Co-operative Food" In term of banks and/or ATMs you can find 4885 location in the region (like "Metro Bank", "Gold Direct", "Lloyds Bank"). In term of police stations you can find 763 places (like "Leyburn Police Station", "Warrington Police Station", "Surrey Police Headquarters (Mount Browne)").
The main cities are the following: Peebles, Hawick, Jedburgh.
The area offers 24612 spots in the "supermarkets" category. As "Birtley Home Bakery", "Wenzel's", 2084 bakeries exist in the area. You can find 1869 butchers locally like "D&H Buckland", "Watkins"
For car washes you have 795 places with "Newcastle Car Wash", "IMO Car Wash", "Roni Hand Car Wash Cafe" for example. The area offers 16 spots in the "airports" category. For car renting you have 548 locations. As "M5", "M6", 2037 motorway entrances exist in the area. You can find 11350 parkings locally like "Victoria Street Long Stay Car Park", "brampton wood car park", "Southgate Car Park Entrance" In term of monorail you can find 15 places (like "Track Transit System"). For train stations you have 1693 places with "Reading West", "Kingham", "Kempston Hardwick" for example. About ferries, 28 possibilities exist (like "River Bus 2: Tower => Battersea Power Station", "Ferry: Zeebrugge => Teesport", "River Bus 6: Putney => Blackfriars"). The area offers 13875 spots in the "charging stations" category. As "Shell", "Esso", 3911 gas stations exist in the area. You can find 570 subway locally like "Hammersmith & City line: Barking → Hammersmith", "Bakerloo line: Elephant & Castle → Harrow & Wealdstone" In term of bus you can find 47138 location in the region (like "First 56: Moor Grange > Leeds > Whinmoor", "Bus 1: Burnley → Stoops Estate"). In term of tram you can find 383 places (like "Supertram Blue: Halfway → Malin Bridge", "Supertram Blue: Malin Bridge → Halfway"). For bike rentals you have 1224 places with "Tennis Court Halls", "Dover Street" for example.
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