Indonesia: all about this country and its main places!

latitude: -2.46706 / longitude: 117.89558

General information


Well known universities are: University of Indonesia, Bandung Institute of Technology, Gadjah Mada University. The average length of time residents spend in school is 14 years (including tertiary education).


The capital of this country is Jakarta and the country has a border with Malaysia, Papua New Guinea. The inhabitants speak the following languages: Indonesian. The country has a 1,904,569 kmĀ² area, a postcode system is employed and the primary cities are: Dki Jakarta, Pekanbaru, Bekasi, Denpasar, Malang.


It is ranked 16# in the world with a GDP of $1,186,092,991,320 USD in 2021. The price for a Big Mac in this country is 35000.00Rp (corresponding to $2.34 USD). The local currency (IDR) is represented by the symbol Rp.


This nation has UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Borobudur Temple Compounds, Sangiran Early Man Site, Ujung Kulon National Park, Komodo National Park, Prambanan Temple Compounds. Example of famous dishes in this country: Tumpeng Sate,Soto,Nasi goreng.


The median age of the population is 31.10 years with a birth growth rate of 0.76%. Around 260,581,000 people live in this country, or 3.49% of all people on earth.

Good to know

The domain name ".id" is used by the country's websites, the country's ISO code is ID, telephone numbers begin with +62 Check out for more information about this nation.


ISO code ID
Capital Jakarta
Population 260,581,000
World percentage 3.49%
Median age 31.10 years
Population growth rate 0.76%
Main cities
Spoken languages Indonesian
GDP (2021) $1,186,092,991,320
GDP position #16
Big Mac local price 35000.00Rp
Big Mac USD price $2.34
Currency code IDR
Currency symbol Rp
School life expectancy 14 years
National dish Tumpeng Sate,Soto,Nasi goreng
TLD .id
Phone prefix +62

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