For gas stations you have 8 locations. As "", 236 bus exist in the area. You can find 2 car renting locally like "אלדן", "Eldan Car Rental" In term of parkings you can find 2 places (like "חניון קפלן", "חניון אגד"). About train stations, 1 possibilities exist (like "רחובות (ע"ש אהוד הדר)"). The area offers 1 spots in the "charging stations" category. As "מיטל", 1 car washes exist in the area.
As "גלובוס מקס", "קולנוע חן", 2 cinemas exist in the area. You can find 17 bars/cafes locally like "ארומה", "ארקפה" In term of ice cream vendors you can find 1 location in the region (like "Grande Italia"). In term of restaurants you can find 30 places (like "קפה קפה", "קפה לנדוור").
You can find 59 schools locally like "מרכז עבודה שיקומי", "בי"ס בני משה", "חוות שולמית למדעי החקלאות ואיכות הסביבה" In term of nurseries you can find 13 location in the region (like "גני ילדים", "גן פלא", "פעוטון ארנבון"). In term of universities you can find 18 places (like "מכון ויצמן למדע", "דה לאונסקו"). For playgrounds you have 5 places with "חורשת הוותיקים", "גן אהרוני", "Gan Hamatos" for example.
About bakeries, 3 possibilities exist (like "שיבולת הטרן", "אייל מאפים טובים"). The area offers 34 spots in the "supermarkets" category. For butchers you have 2 locations.
The major streets are the following: הרצל, רמב"ם, ארלוזורוב, דרך יבנה, הר המוריה.
About police stations, 1 possibilities exist (like "משטרת רחובות"). The area offers 7 spots in the "banks and/or ATMs" category. For hotels you have 2 locations. As "חצרות המושבה", "כיכר ווייסגל", 11 parks exist in the area. You can find 17 sport places locally like "בריכת קיץ", "מגרש שעריים" In term of post offices you can find 2 location in the region (like "Israel Post", "דואר ישראל"). In term of town halls you can find 1 places (like "עיריית רחובות"). For fire stations you have 1 places with "מכבי אש רחובות" for example.
For tourism places you have 39 places with "מסגד זרנוגה", "מכוניתו של ויצמן" for example.
About pharmacies, 9 possibilities exist (like "סופר-פארם", "טופ פארם"). The area offers 9 spots in the "hospitals" category.
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