Volturara Appula: all about this city and its main streets!

latitude: 41.49618 / longitude: 15.0532

General information

Daily life

For town halls you have 1 places with "Municipio Volturara Appula" for example. About post offices, 1 possibilities exist (like "Poste Italiane").

Entertainment in Volturara Appula

In term of bars/cafes you can find 1 places (like "Roxy Bar").

Main streets

The main streets are the following: Strada Statale 17 Dell'Appennino Abruzzese E Appulo Sannitico, Piazza Ten. Bilancia, Piazza T. Bilancia.

Closest areas



  • Bars/cafes

Daily life

  • Post offices
  • Town halls

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