About pharmacies, 1 possibilities exist (like "ディスカウントドラッグコスモス 八女店"). For hospitals you have 16 locations. As "ちくご整骨院", "いはら皮ふ科クリニック", 2 doctors exist in the area.
As "隊員駐車場", "広川SA(下り)", 2 parkings exist in the area. You can find 8 motorway entrances locally like "E3" In term of gas stations you can find 2 places (like "広川SA (上り)", "広川SA (下り)"). For charging stations you have 1 places with "九州三菱久留米支店・クリーンカー久留米" for example.
In term of bars/cafes you can find 2 places (like "里カフェ まち子のおやつ", "鶏SHOW"). About restaurants, 18 possibilities exist (like "パスタの王様", "焼肉ウエスト 八女店").
You can find 4 town halls locally like "高牟礼市民センター", "広川町役場" In term of parks you can find 27 places (like "プーさんのいちご園", "日吉神社公園"). For police stations you have 7 places with "久留米警察署西町交番", "久留米警察署上津町交番" for example. About fire stations, 4 possibilities exist (like "八女消防署", "八女消防署広川分署", "八女消防本部"). The area offers 1 spots in the "sport places" category. For post offices you have 18 locations.
For supermarkets you have 13 locations.
The area offers 17 spots in the "tourism places" category.
About schools, 41 possibilities exist (like "久留米信愛学院", "市立長峰小学校"). For nurseries you have 31 locations. You can find 4 universities locally like "久留米工業大学体育館", "久留米工業大学(工学部)", "久留米工業大学図書館"
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