In term of schools you can find 5 places (like "厚岸翔洋高校グラウンド", "北海道厚岸翔洋高等学校").
About town halls, 1 possibilities exist (like "厚岸町役場"). The area offers 1 spots in the "sport places" category. For parks you have 2 locations. As "本厚岸郵便局", "厚岸郵便局", 2 post offices exist in the area.
You can find 1 bakeries locally like "マエダ" In term of supermarkets you can find 4 location in the region (like "フクハラ", "セイコーマート").
As "炙屋", "コンキリエ", 2 restaurants exist in the area.
For hospitals you have 1 locations.
The following are the major cities: 北海道厚岸郡厚岸町, 厚岸町.
In term of gas stations you can find 1 places (like "道の駅厚岸グルメパーク"). For train stations you have 1 places with "厚岸" for example. About parkings, 2 possibilities exist (like "道の駅厚岸グルメパーク", "厚岸駅駐車場").
The area offers 3 spots in the "tourism places" category.
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