You can find 6 pharmacies locally like "Makupa Chemist", "Animal Clinic Tudor" In term of hospitals you can find 29 location in the region (like "Nyali Healthcare Ltd", "SOS Children's Village", "Aga Khan Hospital"). In term of dentists you can find 1 places (like "dental clinic"). For doctors you have 2 places with "Hospital", "Nairobi Home Hospital" for example.
In term of supermarkets you can find 42 location in the region (like "ZamZam Shop", "Total", "Chandarana Supermarket"). In term of butchers you can find 5 places (like "Golden Meat", "Abu Salim Butchery & Fish Shop"). For bakeries you have 4 places with "Fayaz Bakery", "Tic Tac Pastry Shop" for example.
About nurseries, 2 possibilities exist (like "Coast Star Academy.", "Kaskazi kindergaten"). The area offers 93 spots in the "schools" category. For universities you have 6 locations.
About tourism places, 70 possibilities exist (like "Sakina Hall", "basketball field").
In term of car renting you can find 4 location in the region (like "wild life kenya safari", "A. O. Bayusuf And Sons Limited"). In term of parkings you can find 7 places (like "Hotel Car Parking", "Mission to Seamen Parking", "Kengeleni Parking"). About car washes, 2 possibilities exist (like "Nakumatt Car Wash", "Maasai"). The area offers 2 spots in the "train stations" category. For airports you have 2 locations. You can find 100 gas stations locally like "Shell", "EAGOL Jomvu Yard", "Rubis"
For restaurants you have 117 places with "The coffee lounge & restaurant", "Pizza Inn chicken Inn", "Aisha restaurant" for example. The area offers 4 spots in the "cinemas" category. For bars/cafes you have 71 locations. As "Millinium Ice Cream Parlour", "Temptations Icecream & Coffee", "Island Ice Lollies", 4 ice cream vendors exist in the area.
The main streets are the following: Likoni-Ukunda Road, Digo Road, Beach Road, Diani Beach Road, Nyerere Avenue.
You can find 10 post offices locally like "Posta", "Post Office", "Posta Kenya" In term of police stations you can find 15 location in the region (like "Makupa Police Station", "The Kenya Police - Changamwe Police Station", "Kenya Ferry Police Post"). In term of fire stations you can find 2 places (like "Fire Brigade Station", "mombasa"). For banks and/or ATMs you have 85 places with "Barclay", "Kenya Commercial Bank" for example. About parks, 9 possibilities exist (like "Uhuru Garden", "colobus trail", "Haller Park"). The area offers 150 spots in the "hotels" category. For town halls you have 1 locations. You can find 24 sport places locally like "Makupa School Sports Ground", "Volleyball"
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