As "The Periodontist Dental Centre", "Park Road Dental Clinic", 26 dentists exist in the area. You can find 448 pharmacies locally like "Alshariff chemist", "Huduma Bora Medical Center" In term of veterinarians you can find 27 places (like "kaguongo_cattle_dip", "gachoire_cattle_dip_reserve", "St Austin's Rd Veterinary Clinic"). For hospitals you have 702 places with "Jemindas Nursing Home Limited", "Flodo Medical and curative services", "Islamic Republic of Iran Medical Clinic" for example. About doctors, 8 possibilities exist (like "Friends Medical Cetre", "Ederp Mathare 3A").
In term of nurseries you can find 66 location in the region (like "Triplechase day", "Kyuna Kindergarten"). In term of universities you can find 101 places (like "Kenyatta University", "Staff Quarters"). For schools you have 2578 places with "Madaraka Primary School", "Githinji Seondary School", "Mary Immaculate Academy" for example. About playgrounds, 35 possibilities exist (like "Greenfields Playground", "kagwe_stadion").
You can find 2 airports locally like "Nairobi Wilson", "Jomo Kenyatta International" In term of gas stations you can find 577 places (like "Rubis", "Astrol Petrol Station, Mlolongo", "Shell"). For train stations you have 40 places with "Uplands (Lari)", "Ol Kalou" for example. About motorway entrances, 19 possibilities exist (like "", "A8"). For car washes you have 49 locations. You can find 190 parkings locally like "P5", "CW carpack", "uni Adminsitration car Parking" In term of charging stations you can find 10 location in the region (like "The Hub Mall Karen", "Two Rivers Mall EvChaja", "Knights Energy"). For bike rentals you have 1 places with "Direct imports of bicycles" for example. The area offers 7 spots in the "car renting" category.
For banks and/or ATMs you have 571 locations. As "Kimende Post Office", "Embakasi Post Office", "Gatundu Post Office", 53 post offices exist in the area. You can find 581 hotels locally like "The Limuru Gardens", "Diamond Palace Hotel", "One-Forty-Eight" In term of town halls you can find 14 location in the region (like "Human Needs Project", "Huruma CDF Hall", "Nairobi City Hall"). In term of police stations you can find 137 places (like "Gatundu Police Station", "Ondiri Police Post", "Ntulele Police Post"). About fire stations, 5 possibilities exist (like "Kws post", "Kiambu Fire Department, Kiambu Fire Station"). The area offers 292 spots in the "parks" category. For sport places you have 293 locations.
As "Cold Stone Creamery", "Fior di Latte", 4 ice cream vendors exist in the area. In term of restaurants you can find 1310 location in the region (like "Bavaria Gardens", "Saravana Bhavan"). In term of bars/cafes you can find 643 places (like "SWINGESS PUB HURUMA", "Thingira Lounge"). For cinemas you have 66 places with "Westgate Cinema", "Exodus Hill Video Show" for example.
The major streets are the following: Westlands Road, Muthithi Road, Muthaiga Road, Parklands Road, Ojijo Road.
The area offers 484 spots in the "tourism places" category.
For bakeries you have 27 locations. As "The Blessed B Butchery", "Yaa Slaughter House", 94 butchers exist in the area. You can find 748 supermarkets locally like "Sokomoko wholesales", "Onn The Way Supermarket"
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