For restaurants you have 2 places with "Hardees", "Al Zaad Restaurant" for example.
In term of supermarkets you can find 2 places (like "فرع قطعة ٢", "جمعية جابر الأحمد التعاونية").
About banks and/or ATMs, 4 possibilities exist (like "بنك بوبيان", "Kuwait International Bank Al-Dawli", "Gulf Bank"). The area offers 1 spots in the "police stations" category.
For universities you have 1 locations. As "Deam Kindergarten", "Yathrib Kindergarten", 3 nurseries exist in the area. In term of schools you can find 11 location in the region (like "Saud Al Kharji Middle School (Boys)", "Muniara Al Ahmad Al Sabah High School (Girls)", "Abdulmuhsin Al Bader Elementary School (Boys)").
In term of parkings you can find 3 places (like "مواقف قسم المواقع", "Site Management"). For motorway entrances you have 7 places with "7", "80" for example.
The major streets are the following: شارع 438, شارع 153, شارع 110, شارع 104, شارع 168.
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