In term of bike rentals you can find 1 location in the region (like "Tokyo Zone"). In term of gas stations you can find 3 places (like "Phoenicia", "Hypco"). About parkings, 2 possibilities exist (like "كونكورد", "AUH Parking"). The area offers 4 spots in the "bus" category.
In term of banks and/or ATMs you can find 22 places (like "Bank of Beirut", "فرست ناشونال بنك"). About sport places, 2 possibilities exist (like "Gymnasium", "Stade Yassine"). For hotels you have 36 locations.
About restaurants, 72 possibilities exist (like "Falafel Tabara", "Flying Pizza", "Ka3kaya"). The area offers 37 spots in the "bars/cafes" category.
As "كلية اللاهوت للشرق الأدنى", "مدرسة أي إل بي إس للغات - بيروت", 2 schools exist in the area. You can find 2 universities locally like "Kerr Hall", "الجامعة الحديثة للأعمال التجارية والعلوم"
As "جمعية امبرايس", "مركز الاطباء للأشعه", 11 hospitals exist in the area. In term of pharmacies you can find 15 location in the region (like "سيتي شارع الحمرا", "Richani"). For doctors you have 1 places with "AUBMC Doctors" for example.
For tourism places you have 4 locations.
The major streets are the following: شارع صوراتي, شارع الصيداني, شارع جان دارك, شارع المقدسي, Sourati.
You can find 14 supermarkets locally like "Al Fakhani", "Bliss Market", "كووب ماركت" In term of bakeries you can find 7 location in the region (like "سناك الجزيرة", "Amal Bohsali", "Paul").
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