About restaurants, 435 possibilities exist (like "toto", "تسوشي"). For bars/cafes you have 254 locations. As "Tonino Crepes and Waffles", "Pinkberry", 14 ice cream vendors exist in the area. In term of cinemas you can find 8 location in the region (like "فكس", "cine plaza").
In term of tourism places you can find 123 places (like "البيال", "مركز شغزويان الثقافي").
In term of police stations you can find 11 places (like "Basta Al Fawqua police station", "ثكنة الحلو", "الامن العام برج البراجنة"). For parks you have 30 places with "حديقة بلدية الغبيري", "Cours de récréation" for example. About post offices, 10 possibilities exist (like "حاجز حديد", "ليبان بوست", "LibanPost"). The area offers 84 spots in the "hotels" category. For banks and/or ATMs you have 169 locations. As "العهد", "نادي النصر", 17 sport places exist in the area. You can find 3 fire stations locally like "Karantina", "فوج إطفاء بيروت", "الباشورة" In term of town halls you can find 7 location in the region (like "General Directorate of Ministry of Social Affairs", "مديرية التعليم المهني").
These are the principal streets: شارع صوراتي, Rue Jean-Dominique Ayoub, شارع غورو, شارع البطريرك بولس مسعد, شارع المطران مبارك.
In term of doctors you can find 9 places (like "Cyril Moghabghab Chirurgien", "Pierre Lattouf", "طبيب المستشفى"). About hospitals, 65 possibilities exist (like "مركز فقيه", "مركز التشخيص الأمريكي / فحص كورونا/", "الصليب الأحمر اللبناني"). The area offers 1 spots in the "veterinarians" category. For dentists you have 11 locations. As "صيدلية الوزان", "صيداية مازن", 383 pharmacies exist in the area.
In term of gas stations you can find 90 location in the region (like "Malapco", "طوطال"). In term of bike rentals you can find 1 places (like "Tokyo Zone"). For parkings you have 12 places with "موقف سيارات", "غراج زقاق البلاط", "موقف أ.ب.ث. ل3" for example. About car washes, 4 possibilities exist (like "يونايتد", "Autoshine"). The area offers 105 spots in the "motorway entrances" category. As "", "2", 7 bus exist in the area. You can find 8 car renting locally like "Hanna", "وكالة جيمس قرب كارفور 2"
The area offers 4 spots in the "nurseries" category. As "بيت الأطفال", "ليسيه بيلوت", "لیسیه عبد القادر", 108 schools exist in the area. You can find 49 universities locally like "Arab Open University", "ILBA Universite Libanaise (Ain Remaneh)" In term of playgrounds you can find 1 location in the region (like "ملعب عمر بن الخطاب").
In term of bakeries you can find 95 location in the region (like "Bread & Salt", "safwan فرن صفوان الاصلي"). In term of butchers you can find 13 places (like "مار جرجس", "ملحمة"). For supermarkets you have 156 places with "Monoprix", "Maouneh Market", "كووب ماركت" for example.
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