The inhabitants stay 15 years in school (tertiary education included).
The currency ISO code is LSL and the currency symbol is L. In 2021 the GDP was $2,496,134,680 USD, placing it at position 158 in the market.
The following languages are spoken by the nation's citizens: English, Sotho, Southern. This nation's capital is Maseru and the country shares a border with South Africa. The country has a 30,355 km² area, a postcode system is employed and the primary cities are: Maseru, Berea, Hlotse, Hlotse (Leribe), Teyateyaneng.
43.70 years is the median age in this country and the birth growth rate is at 0.70%. There are 1,916,000 people here, or 0.026% of the world's population.
Telephone numbers begin with +266, the ISO code is LS, the country's websites have the domain name ".ls" Check out for more information about this nation.