About bars/cafes, 76 possibilities exist (like "Скорпион", "Юность"). The area offers 33 spots in the "restaurants" category. For ice cream vendors you have 2 locations.
The area offers 7 spots in the "bakeries" category. As "Гарант", "Мясной магазин", 12 butchers exist in the area. You can find 159 supermarkets locally like "Магазин", "Sekond"
As "Фармпункт", "100летник", 47 pharmacies exist in the area. You can find 8 veterinarians locally like "Аптека ветеринарная, Ветаптека", "Ветаптека", "Ветеринарная лечебница" In term of doctors you can find 3 location in the region (like "Кардиолог. УЗИ", "Стоматология"). In term of hospitals you can find 28 places (like "Скорая помощь", "Роддом", "Химиотерапия и онкогематология"). About dentists, 15 possibilities exist (like "Стоматолог", "Стоматология").
About tourism places, 69 possibilities exist (like "Baccarat", "Памятник де Волану", "Тираспольский объединённый музей").
The following are the major streets: Улица Карла Либкнехта, Улица 28 Июня, Улица Дружбы, Улица Горького, Улица Юности.
You can find 9 car washes locally like "Автомойка", "Автомойка «У Семёныча»" In term of gas stations you can find 14 location in the region (like "Шериф", "АМС"). In term of parkings you can find 7 places (like "Парковка "Лечгородок-Территория"", "Стоянка Элегант"). For train stations you have 1 places with "Тирасполь" for example.
In term of sport places you can find 30 location in the region (like "Спортплощадка лицея № 1", "Крытые теннисные корты", "Стадион"). In term of post offices you can find 12 places (like "Почта", "Почтовое отделение"). For fire stations you have 1 places with "Пожарная часть" for example. About parks, 12 possibilities exist (like "Территория под застройку", "Екатерининский парк", "Республиканский ботанический сад"). The area offers 9 spots in the "hotels" category. For town halls you have 2 locations. You can find 41 police stations locally like "А 76", "Radar", "Опорный пункт" In term of banks and/or ATMs you can find 69 location in the region (like "Агропромбанк", "Эксимбанк", "Приднестровский Сбербанк").
For universities you have 12 places with "ПГУ Корпус Г", "ПГУ Корпус А", "ПГУ Корпус Б" for example. About schools, 55 possibilities exist (like "Приднестровский промышленно-экономический техникум", "Тираспольский техникум коммерции", "Факультет физической культуры и спорта"). The area offers 38 spots in the "nurseries" category. For playgrounds you have 1 locations.
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