There are 3,110,600 inhabitants, or 0.042% of the population of planet earth. 55.40 years is the median age in this country and the birth growth rate is at 0.66%.
This nation's capital is Ulan Bator and the country shares a border with China, Russia. 1,564,110 km² make up the entire country, a postcode system is employed and the key cities are: Улаанбаатар, Улаанбаатар, Улаанбаатар, Улаанбаатар, Улаанбаатар. The inhabitants speak the following languages: Mongolian.
The local currency (MNT) is represented by the symbol ₮. The GDP in 2021 was $15,286,441,818 USD, making it the 118# country in the world.
This nation has UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Orkhon Valley Cultural Landscape, Petroglyphic Complexes of the Mongolian Altai, Great Burkhan Khaldun Mountain and its surrounding sacred landscape. Interesting food you need to try here: Buuz.
Check out for more information about this nation. The ISO code is MN, the country's websites have the domain name ".mn", telephone numbers begin with +976