San Juanito De Escobedo: all about this city and its main streets!

latitude: 20.79574 / longitude: -104.00207

General information

Education in San Juanito De Escobedo

You can find 1 universities locally like "CBTA 230" In term of schools you can find 11 location in the region (like "Patria", "Emsad San Juanito De Escobedo"). In term of nurseries you can find 6 places (like "Benito Juarez", "Federico Froebel").

Main streets

The following are the major streets: Calle Juárez, Calle Cuauhtémoc, Madero, 16 De Septiembre, Ocampo.

Closest areas

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  • Schools
  • Nurseries
  • Universities

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