There are UNESCO listed sites: Air and Ténéré Natural Reserves, W National Park of Niger, Historic Centre of Agadez.
This country represents 0.28% of the world's population with about 20,715,000 individuals.
The following languages are spoken by the nation's citizens: French. Country territory measures 1,267,000 km², they use a postcode system and the main cities are: Niamey, Boukoki 2, Boukoki 1, Boukoki 4, Yunusari. The capital of this country is Niamey and the country has a border with Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Libya, Mali, Nigeria.
The GDP in 2021 was $14,915,001,426 USD, making it the 119# country in the world. The currency ISO code is XOF and the currency symbol is FCFA.
For more information about this country, check The country's ISO code is NE, phone numbers start with +227, the domain name ".ne" is used by the country's websites