Mabel Street, Unknown City: what's around?

Model.CountryIsoCode.ToLower() flag latitude: -42.10956 / longitude: 171.33508
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In the surrounding area

Entertainment around Mabel Street

Looking for entertainment or food? The surrounding area offers the following services: a bar/cafe ("Pancake Rocks Cafe" at 1 minute with your car), a restaurant ("Punakaiki Tavern" at 4 minutes walk).

Transports in Unknown City

Do you need to charge an electric car? The nearest charging station ("Punakaiki Beach Camp") is just 1 minute away by car. Do you need a parking? There is "Truman Track" at 16 minutes away by bike.

Daily life

The area offers multiple services for your everyday needs: a hotel ("Punakaiki Cottage Motels" at 1 minute away by bike).


The tourist offer of the surroundings is composed as follows: "Punakaiki Canoes" at 1 minute by car.

Within a radius of 10 km

  • 1 Bar/cafe
  • 1 Charging station
  • 2 Parkings
  • 4 Hotels
  • 10 Tourism places
  • 1 Restaurant

Closest areas



  • Punakaiki Beach Camp
    25 seconds


  • Pancake Rocks Cafe
    49 seconds
  • Punakaiki Tavern
    18 seconds

Daily life

  • Punakaiki Cottage Motels
    26 seconds


  • Punakaiki Canoes
    35 seconds


  • Truman Track
    16 minutes


  • Pancake Rocks Cafe
    12 minutes
  • Punakaiki Tavern
    4 minutes

Daily life

  • Punakaiki Cottage Motels
    36 seconds


  • Punakaiki Canoes
    7 minutes


  • Truman Track
    24 minutes


  • Pancake Rocks Cafe
    10 minutes
  • Punakaiki Tavern
    4 minutes

Daily life

  • Punakaiki Cottage Motels
    1 minute and 41 seconds


  • Punakaiki Canoes
    6 minutes

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