Philippines: all about this country and its main places!

latitude: 12.76879 / longitude: 120.45124

General information


The local currency (PHP) is represented by the symbol ₱. In this country a Big Mac is worth 155.00₱ (corresponding to $2.75 USD). The GDP in 2021 was $394,086,401,171 USD, making it the 37# country in the world.


People from this country speak these languages: English, Filipino. 342,353 km² make up the entire country, they use a postcode system and the key cities are: Quezon City, Manila, Davao City, Imus, Makati. The capital of this country is Manila.


You can find famous universities here like Asian Institute of Management, University of the Philippines Manila, University of the Philippines Diliman.


There are 103,174,000 people here, or 1.38% of the world's population.


This nation has UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Historic City of Vigan, Puerto-Princesa Subterranean River National Park, Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park, Baroque Churches of the Philippines, Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras. Well known national dishes are: Adobo,Lechon (both unofficial).

Good to know is a good place to find out more details on this country. The ISO code is PH, the country's websites have the domain name ".ph", telephone numbers begin with +63


ISO code PH
Capital Manila
Population 103,174,000
World percentage 1.38%
Main cities
Spoken languages English, Filipino
GDP (2021) $394,086,401,171
GDP position #37
Big Mac local price 155.00₱
Big Mac USD price $2.75
Currency code PHP
Currency symbol
National dish Adobo,Lechon (both unofficial)
TLD .ph
Phone prefix +63


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