The main streets are the following: شارع الفحص, King Faisal Street, Bir Es-Sabe' Street, Al Siha Roundabout, Ras,aljourah.
You can find 1 ice cream vendors locally like "Nablus cocktail" In term of cinemas you can find 1 location in the region (like "كافي نت آدم للبلالاشن"). For restaurants you have 48 places with "بيتا بيتزا", "ابراهيم باشا", "Abo Mazen Restaurant" for example. About bars/cafes, 18 possibilities exist (like "Hilton Cafe", "21 Café", "Friends").
For dentists you have 6 places with "مركز الوليد لطب الاسنان", "Dental Association" for example. The area offers 18 spots in the "hospitals" category. For veterinarians you have 2 locations. As "Al Rahmeh Pharmacy", "Al Hikmah Pharmacy", 24 pharmacies exist in the area. You can find 5 doctors locally like "منزل وعياده الدكتور محمد هشام الجعبه", "مختبر الشرق الاوسط الطبّي", "د.معتصم دوفش"
The area offers 11 spots in the "parks" category. As "شركة التقدم لصناعات القبانات والموازين والأثاث المعدني", "مكتب بريد الخليل", 2 post offices exist in the area. You can find 2 fire stations locally like "Hebron Fire station", "Hebron Municipality Fire Station" In term of hotels you can find 4 location in the region (like "Royal Suites Hotel", "Hebron Hotel", "فندق الخليل السياحي"). In term of town halls you can find 34 places (like "Qasr Al Naile", "Al Ghazali Hall"). For police stations you have 11 places with "משטרת מרחב חברון", "القوات الخاصة", "مركز شرطة الحاووز" for example. About sport places, 7 possibilities exist (like "Al-Walla’a Sports Club", "Hebron Closed Areana", "Happy Land Swimming Pool"). The area offers 22 spots in the "banks and/or ATMs" category.
For parkings you have 9 locations. As "شركة السدين", "نقليات الكركي", "Abu Alsaeed Salhab", 3 car renting exist in the area. You can find 5 car washes locally like "مشحمةالنتشه للسيارات", "Lubrecation Zahret Almadaen", "Al Jbali Care Station" In term of gas stations you can find 13 location in the region (like "Shaheen Gas Station", "Al Alandalos Fuel Station").
In term of supermarkets you can find 102 location in the region (like "شركة التميمي الزراعية", "شركة جمجوم/طحين"). In term of bakeries you can find 15 places (like "مخبز وحلويات فنون", "مخبز صلاح الدين"). About butchers, 7 possibilities exist (like "ملحمة ومشاوي بيت المقدس", "ملحمة التكروري", "Al-Qawafel for Hens").
As "ورشة عزام صلاح للحداده", "Abraham's Well", "حمام داري", 77 tourism places exist in the area.
In term of nurseries you can find 25 location in the region (like "Palestine Kindergarten", "روضة و نادي سيد كتاب"). In term of universities you can find 10 places (like "Palestine Polytechnic Unversity", "جامعة الخليل", "جامعة القدس المفتوحة"). About schools, 92 possibilities exist (like "Abo Al-Dabat School", "مدرسة وكالة الغوث", "Al Zahra' School"). The area offers 2 spots in the "playgrounds" category.
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