As "جمعية أرض الإنسان الفلسطينية الخيرية", "مركز كاريتاس غزة الطبي", 93 hospitals exist in the area. You can find 27 doctors locally like "mohmed abu shbak", "رماح جنيد", "مختبر الضياء للتحاليل الطبية" In term of pharmacies you can find 281 location in the region (like "صيدلية احمد المركزية", "صيدلية البغدادي فارم ٢", "صيدلية برلين الحرة"). In term of veterinarians you can find 2 places (like "د. احمد الكحلوت", "العشي للتفصيل وتصليح الملابس"). For dentists you have 19 places with "عيادة أسنان د. محمد نعيم البسوس", "The Tooth Dentist" for example.
You can find 9 car washes locally like "مشحمة المدينة", "Al-Khozendar Car Washing Station" In term of gas stations you can find 52 location in the region (like "Al-Salam Station for Petrol", "محطة ليترو للبترول", "محطة الحلو للبترول- ملك للبترول"). In term of parkings you can find 11 places (like "موقف سيارات", "The Nourth park", "Al-Zahra Parking"). For car renting you have 18 places with "تاكسيات الجزيرة", "شركة تاكسيات الصفا" for example.
For playgrounds you have 1 places with "Lido Balloon Club" for example. About universities, 13 possibilities exist (like "جامعة غزة", "مدرسة الجليل الثانوية للبنات", "وزارة العمل"). The area offers 47 spots in the "nurseries" category. For schools you have 208 locations.
The area offers 24 spots in the "butchers" category. For bakeries you have 44 locations. As "سوبرماركت الربيع", "شركة سليم", "شركة دوبيكس للتوريدات الطبية والتجارة العامة م.خ.م", 322 supermarkets exist in the area.
About tourism places, 161 possibilities exist (like "منزل الحاج أبو عماد الحلبي", "دوار تقاطع الجلاء و العيون", "منزل آل نصر الله").
The main streets are the following: شارع رقم 4446, الجلاء, الوحدة, يافا, جمال عبد الناصر.
You can find 15 town halls locally like "Jawwal Balad Showroom", "Jawwal Nasser Showroom", "National Economic Ministry" In term of police stations you can find 6 places (like "مركز الرمال (العباس)", "مركز شرطة الشيخ رضوان"). For post offices you have 8 places with "شركة مرسال", "عمارة لافي", "Gaza El Shijaia Post Office" for example. About fire stations, 1 possibilities exist (like "الدفاع المدني"). The area offers 19 spots in the "parks" category. As "Al-Jalaa Sport Club", "Palestinian Olympic Committee", 30 sport places exist in the area. You can find 33 hotels locally like "Royal Plaza Hotel", "منزل غسان الخطيب" In term of banks and/or ATMs you can find 38 location in the region (like "صراف آلي", "البنك الوطني الاسلامي", "بنك القدس").
About bars/cafes, 39 possibilities exist (like "Honey bee", "احلى عالم"). The area offers 10 spots in the "ice cream vendors" category. As "مطعم تونس الخضراء ٣", "Al-Samer restaurant", 158 restaurants exist in the area. You can find 3 cinemas locally like "سينما والعاب سيب واي", "سينما النصر", "صخرة"
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