Paraguay: all about this country and its main places!

Model.CountryIsoCode.ToLower() flag latitude: -23.44702 / longitude: -58.4511
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General information


This country represents 0.092% of the world's population with about 6,854,536 individuals.


Country territory measures 406,752 km², a postcode system is employed and the main cities are: Asuncion, Posadas, Puerto Iguazú, Foz Do Iguaçu, San Lorenzo. Here are the different languages spoken in the country: Guarani, Spanish. The capital of this country is Asunción and the country has a border with Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil.


The GDP in 2021 was $39,495,431,574 USD, making it the 90# country in the world. The local currency (PYG) is represented by the symbol Gs.


There are UNESCO listed sites: Jesuit Missions of La Santísima Trinidad de Paraná and Jesús de Tavarangue. Well known national dishes are: Sopa paraguaya.

Good to know

Check out for more information about this nation. The country's websites have the domain name ".py", phone numbers start with +595, the country's ISO code is PY


Flag py flag
ISO code PY
Capital Asunción
Population 6,854,536
World percentage 0.092%
Main cities
Spoken languages Guarani, Spanish
GDP (2021) $39,495,431,574
GDP position #90
Currency code PYG
Currency symbol Gs
National dish Sopa paraguaya
TLD .py
Phone prefix +595