In term of dentists you can find 9 location in the region (like "Dr Nahed Dental Clinic", "Family Medical Clinic", "Dr. Mohammed Al-Said Dental Center"). For doctors you have 2 places with "Dr Al Islam M. S. Ultra", "Royal Spanish Center" for example. About hospitals, 8 possibilities exist (like "Dr. Martin Thomas", "Janin Medical Center"). The area offers 3 spots in the "pharmacies" category.
The main streets are the following: شارع جوان, Salwa Road, Salwa Road - Retaj Building.
About bars/cafes, 8 possibilities exist (like "Caribou Coffee", "Cafeteria & Juice Stall", "Coffee Beanery"). For ice cream vendors you have 1 locations. As "Al Muqbil Restaurant & Juice Stall", "Green City Cafeteria", "ماكدونالدز", 25 restaurants exist in the area.
In term of motorway entrances you can find 14 location in the region (like "Q1", "Q5", "D Ring"). In term of subway you can find 2 places (like "الخط الذهبي للمترو: العزيزية ← راس بو عبود"). About gas stations, 3 possibilities exist (like "Al Mana Petrol Station", "Al Waab petrol station").
For tourism places you have 4 locations.
For banks and/or ATMs you have 5 locations. You can find 2 hotels locally like "my_place", "Millenium Hotel" In term of parks you can find 1 location in the region (like "fareej soudan family park"). For police stations you have 1 places with "Al Sadd Police Station" for example. The area offers 6 spots in the "sport places" category.
As "Primerose Nursery", 1 nurseries exist in the area. You can find 13 schools locally like "Middle/High School", "American Lycetuff Pre - School", "elementary school"
You can find 2 bakeries locally like "Paris Bakery", "Lebanese Village Bakery" In term of supermarkets you can find 14 places (like "Tadmur", "Corner Retail Mart").
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