As "Hoooters", "RC Hutline", 20 bars/cafes exist in the area. In term of restaurants you can find 29 location in the region (like "Stejaru'", "Ospățul Zeilor"). In term of cinemas you can find 1 places (like "Cinema City").
The area offers 5 spots in the "tourism places" category.
In term of supermarkets you can find 26 location in the region (like "Profi", "Anda", "Kaufland"). In term of bakeries you can find 2 places (like "Brutăria Veche", "Brutăria Tatu"). For butchers you have 3 places with "Marcel", "Măcelărie", "Kosarom" for example.
For schools you have 8 locations. As "Direcția servicii studențești", "Universitatea Tehnică "Gheorghe Asachi" din Iași (Rectorat)", "Corp T23", 9 universities exist in the area. You can find 9 nurseries locally like "Lumea Copiilor", "Căsuța Zânelor"
In term of parkings you can find 9 location in the region (like "Ceramica", "Sandra Trading", "Căsuța Zânelor"). For gas stations you have 5 places with "Petrom (Chișinăului)", "GPL TOM GRUP" for example. The area offers 21 spots in the "tram" category. As "Bus 42: Rond Copou => CUG 1", 34 bus exist in the area. You can find 6 car washes locally like "Best Look Carwash S.R.L", "Red & White (Pompt Mixt)"
For dentists you have 1 places with "Estetic Dental" for example. About doctors, 4 possibilities exist (like "Clinica Pedilife & Sanoptic", "Bioderma Lauderma", "Empatio"). For hospitals you have 10 locations. As "Sensiblu", "LaraFarm", 20 pharmacies exist in the area. You can find 1 veterinarians locally like "Urgo Vet"
The major streets are the following: Strada Vasile Lupu, Strada Ciurchi, Șoseaua Nicolina, Strada Ion Creangă, Bulevardul Nicolae Iorga.
In term of police stations you can find 2 location in the region (like "Birou de poliție campus Tudor Vladimirescu", "Secția 4 Poliție"). In term of hotels you can find 8 places (like "Belleville", "Hotel Zimbru", "Hotel Ceramica"). About banks and/or ATMs, 9 possibilities exist (like "BRD", "BRD (Ion Creangă)", "Credit Europe Bank"). The area offers 5 spots in the "sport places" category. For post offices you have 4 locations. As "Esplanada Oancea", "Parc Sfintii Voievozi-Rosca", "Parc Joaca B. P. Hasdeu", 3 parks exist in the area.
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