As "Автомойка", "На завтра", 3 car washes exist in the area. You can find 17 gas stations locally like "М5 Транзит", "Лукойл", "СТО РАДУГА"
In term of pharmacies you can find 4 location in the region (like "Аптека", "Имплозия"). In term of doctors you can find 2 places (like "Александровский ФАП", "Алексеевский ФАП"). For hospitals you have 4 places with "Миламед", "Целитель" for example. About veterinarians, 1 possibilities exist (like "Ветклиника").
You can find 57 supermarkets locally like "маг.НАДЕЖДА", "ИЗОБИЛИЕ", "БАШАК" In term of bakeries you can find 1 location in the region (like "Добропек").
The major cities are the following: Бавлы, Городское Поселение Бавлы, Александровское Сельское Поселение.
For tourism places you have 13 locations.
About banks and/or ATMs, 8 possibilities exist (like "Совкомбанк", "Сбербанк", "Ак Барс Банк"). For sport places you have 3 locations. As "Тиренкур", "сквер Молодоженов", 2 parks exist in the area. You can find 2 fire stations locally like "ПЧ-14", "ПЧ-109" In term of town halls you can find 1 location in the region (like "Исполнительный комитет Бавлинского муниципального района"). In term of police stations you can find 2 places (like "ОМВД по Бавлинскому району", "ГИБДД"). About post offices, 4 possibilities exist (like "Почта России", "Исергапово 423941"). The area offers 2 spots in the "hotels" category.
For schools you have 13 locations. As "Детский сад № 4 "Ромашка"", "Детский сад № 12 "Алтынчеч"", "Детский сад № 9 "Аленка"", 11 nurseries exist in the area.
For bars/cafes you have 9 places with "Буровик", "Малина" for example. The area offers 3 spots in the "restaurants" category.
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