In term of gas stations you can find 3 places (like "Центройл", "АГЗС").
These are the principal cities: Барда, Краснояр-I, Краснояр-Ii.
You can find 2 parks locally like "База отдыха «Ашатли-Тулва»", "Парк Тукая" In term of police stations you can find 1 location in the region (like "ГИБДД"). In term of sport places you can find 3 places (like "Ипподром", "Территория пожарной части", "Автодром"). For hotels you have 3 places with "Гостиница Гостевой дом", "Альмат гостиница" for example. About post offices, 17 possibilities exist (like "Акбаш 618157", "Константиновка 618169", "Шабарка 618155"). For banks and/or ATMs you have 9 locations. As "Администрация", "Администрация округа", 2 town halls exist in the area. You can find 1 fire stations locally like "87 Пожарная часть"
The area offers 8 spots in the "nurseries" category. For schools you have 6 locations.
For hospitals you have 2 places with "Поликлиника", "Бардымская центральная районная больница им. А.П. Курочкиной" for example. About pharmacies, 2 possibilities exist (like "Аптека от склада").
In term of supermarkets you can find 9 location in the region (like "Фасоль", "Магнит", "ТРИуМФ магазин").
As "Ихлас", "Просуши, Smoke Side", 10 bars/cafes exist in the area. You can find 2 restaurants locally like "Шаурма классик", "Столовая Тулва"
In term of tourism places you can find 5 location in the region (like "Дом культуры", "скульптуры из дерева", "дом культуры").
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