Молодёжная Улица, Тукса: what's around?

latitude: 61.00483 / longitude: 32.84284

In the surrounding area

Transports around Молодёжная Улица

Your car is dirty? You can find a car wash ("Чистюля") in the area in less than 11 minutes. In fewer than 15 minutes, by car, you can be at "Олонец" train station. In less than 11 minutes, you can find a gas station ("Экотек") to fill up your gas tank.

Education in Тукса

You can find a close nursery: "Дошкольные группы Туксинской ООШ", in fewer than 2 minutes by car. If you are looking for a school, "Туксинская основная общеобразовательная школа" it is 3 minutes away by car.


There is a butcher nearby: "Великолукский мясокомбинат" (13 minutes by car). You can buy your fresh bread in this nearby bakery: "Гурман" (12 minutes by car). You can find all your daily needs in this nearby supermarket: "Айсберг" (13 minutes by foot or 2 minutes by car).


The surroundings offer tourist interests: "Туксинский сельский Дом культуры" at 2 minutes with your car.

Daily life

For the everyday needs, you will find in the surroundings: a town hall ("Администрация Олонецкого национального муниципального района" at 13 minutes with your car), a park ("Олонецкий Центральный Парк" at 12 minutes by car), a fire station ("ОПС по Олонецкому району" at 13 minutes with your car), a bank and/or an ATM ("ВТБ" at 12 minutes by car), a post office ("Отделение почтовой связи № 186003" at 1 minute by car), sport ("Городской стадион" at 15 minutes by car), a police station ("Полиция" at 12 minutes with your car).


For any medical needs, you can find in the surroundings: a doctor ("Туксинский ФАП" at 16 minutes by foot), a veterinarian ("Олонецкая ветеринарная станция" at 12 minutes by car), a dentist ("Стоматология" at 13 minutes with your car), a hospital ("Олонецкая центральная районная больница" at 16 minutes with your car), a pharmacy ("Сердце Карелии" at 11 minutes with your car).


Looking for entertainment or food? The surrounding area offers the following services: a bar/cafe ("Юбилейное" at 11 minutes by car), a restaurant ("Суши Япоша" at 13 minutes with your car).

Within a radius of 10 km

  • 1 Post office
  • 2 Schools
  • 4 Supermarkets
  • 2 Nurseries
  • 2 Doctors
  • 2 Tourism places

Closest areas


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