Полевая Улица, Запорожское Сельское Поселение: what's around?

latitude: 60.55601 / longitude: 30.61336

In the surrounding area

Public transports around Полевая Улица

This listing is served with a bus line such as Автобус № 643: Пятиречье => Сосново with a stand 5 minutes’ walk away.

Education in Запорожское Сельское Поселение

The closest school is named "Запорожская школа среднего общего образования" and is 10 minutes' away by car.


You can find all your daily needs in this nearby supermarket: "Магнит" (9 minutes by car). There is a bakery in the area: "Грузинская пекарня" (8 minutes by car).


For entertainment or catering you can find the following services in the area: a restaurant ("Шаверлэнд" at 8 minutes with your car).

Daily life

For your daily needs, you can find in the area: a bank and/or an ATM ("Сбербанк" at 9 minutes with your car), a post office ("Запорожское 188734" at 9 minutes by car).


Looking for tourist points of interest in the area? You will find the following points: "Банный мол" at 28 minutes away by bike.

Within a radius of 10 km

  • 6 Tourism places
  • 1 Post office
  • 1 Supermarket
  • 18 Bus
  • 1 School
  • 1 Bank and/or ATM

Closest areas

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