There are 93,144 inhabitants, or 0.0012% of the population of planet earth. In this country, the median age is 36.50 years and the birth growth rate is around 0.59%.
The currency symbol is ₨, and the ISO code for that currency is SCR. In 2021 the GDP was $1,454,458,183 USD, placing it at position 163 in the market.
452 km² make up the entire country, a postcode system isn't employed and the key cities are: Praslin, Victoria, Mahe, Anse Aux Pins, Anse Forbans. Here are the different languages spoken in the country: Seychellois Creole, English, French. Victoria is the nation's capital.
This nation has UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Aldabra Atoll, Vallée de Mai Nature Reserve.
The inhabitants attend school for 17 years (tertiary education included).
For more information about this country, check The country's ISO code is SC, the domain name ".sc" is used by the country's websites, telephone numbers begin with +248