For tourism places you have 1204 locations.
As "Počivališče Polskava", "pri Jožici", "Gostilna Vidrgar", 522 parkings exist in the area. You can find 363 gas stations locally like "Petrol - Pragersko", "OMV - Dol pri Ljubljani" In term of car renting you can find 70 location in the region (like "Koseze - Ilirija", "Bratovševa pl. - Ul. 7. sept.", "Poliklinika"). In term of train stations you can find 89 places (like "Bleiburg", "Đurmanec", "Boštanj"). About bus, 1992 possibilities exist (like "Bus 4: AP Mlinska ⇒ Lesarska šola ⇒ TC QLandia", "Bus 5426: Völkermarkt Bbf => Bleiburg Stadt"). For airports you have 1 locations. As "Trubarjevo nabrežje", "Rent Vespa", 186 bike rentals exist in the area. You can find 92 charging stations locally like "MOL Plugee Ljubljana", "Petrol Domžale" In term of car washes you can find 88 location in the region (like "OMV", "Ročna avtopralnica"). In term of motorway entrances you can find 290 places (like "A1", "A4", "A2").
For town halls you have 109 places with "Grad Krapina", "Občina Oplotnica" for example. About fire stations, 326 possibilities exist (like "Gasilski dom", "PGD Hoče"). The area offers 64 spots in the "police stations" category. For post offices you have 213 locations. As "Igrišče v Ožbaltu", "nogometno igrišče Fram", "Športna dvorana", 431 sport places exist in the area. In term of parks you can find 282 location in the region (like "Miklošičev park", "Igralište Viletinec", "Abschlag Damen Loch 12"). In term of hotels you can find 231 places (like "ČERČEK FRANČIŠKA", "Hotel reAktiv"). For banks and/or ATMs you have 343 places with "Zagrebačka banka", "NLB" for example.
For cinemas you have 18 places with "MariBOX", "Gradsko kino Lepoglava", "Komuna" for example. About bars/cafes, 1272 possibilities exist (like "Caffèbar", "Cafe Lipca"). For restaurants you have 1389 locations. You can find 39 ice cream vendors locally like "Sladoledarna Pika", "Ice Wave", "Slaščičarna Šutna"
The area offers 114 spots in the "hospitals" category. As "Stomatološka ordinacija", "Zdravstveni in zobozdravstveni zavod dr. Male", 51 dentists exist in the area. You can find 79 doctors locally like "Zasebna ambulanta", "Dr. Heike Pölz", "zdravstveni dom" In term of veterinarians you can find 37 location in the region (like "Veterinar", "Veterinarska postaja Litija", "Tačka - veterinarska ambulanta in trgovina"). In term of pharmacies you can find 157 places (like "Lekarna Slovenska Bistrica - Bistrica", "Lekarna Dobrova").
In term of schools you can find 575 location in the region (like "Osnovna šola Hinka Smrekarja", "Mittelschule Lavamünd"). In term of nurseries you can find 234 places (like "Vrtec Tezno Maribor - enota Lupinica", "Vrtec Miškolin, enota Senberje", "Vrtec Otona Župančiča - enota Oblakova"). For universities you have 81 places with "Biotehniška fakulteta - PRC za konjerejo Krumperk", "Šolski Center Velenje Elektro In Računalniška Šola" for example. About playgrounds, 67 possibilities exist (like "Brunarica Zadvor", "Bumbar park").
As "TEDi", "Tuš Market Veronika", 934 supermarkets exist in the area. In term of butchers you can find 54 location in the region (like "Gurman", "Mesnica"). For bakeries you have 192 places with "Pekarna dolgi most", "Pekarna Pečjak", "Pekarna Dolina" for example.
The main streets are the following: Črna Vas, Ižanska Cesta, Celovška Cesta, Vodnikova Cesta, Dunajska Cesta.
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