The area offers 872 spots in the "bars/cafes" category. As "5D kino Maxim", "Foajé", "Cinema City", 15 cinemas exist in the area. In term of ice cream vendors you can find 56 location in the region (like "Gelateria da Claudia", "Balkánska zmrzlina"). For restaurants you have 1199 places with "LUNAPARK", "La Pala", "eat & fly!" for example.
For schools you have 231 places with "Súkromné gymnázium Česká 10", "Ekonomická Univerzita", "Združená stredná škola potravinárska" for example. About playgrounds, 86 possibilities exist (like "Detské ihrisko Fuxova", "Detské ihrisko Legerského", "Detské ihrisko Pinardi"). For nurseries you have 190 locations. As "Vysoká škola výtvarných umení", "Fakulta telesnej výchovy a športu UK", "Akadémia Policajného zboru v Bratislave", 51 universities exist in the area.
The following are the major streets: Podkerepušky, Plánky, Balkánska, Kovácsova, Roľnícka.
The area offers 431 spots in the "trolleybus" category. For parkings you have 109 locations. As "McDonald Prievozská", "Polus City Center", "ZSE QCH Fresh Market", 44 charging stations exist in the area. In term of bus you can find 2411 location in the region (like "Bus 20: Opletalova, VW5 => Tesco Lamač", "Bus 610: Bratislava => Malinovo"). For car washes you have 60 places with "MB services", "Mikona" for example. About motorway entrances, 116 possibilities exist (like "D4", "D2", "A6"). The area offers 106 spots in the "gas stations" category. For ferries you have 1 locations. As "M R Stefanik", 1 airports exist in the area. You can find 3 car renting locally like "Autopožičovňa Abrix", "MT rental" In term of train stations you can find 17 location in the region (like "Wolfsthal", "Bratislava hlavná stanica", "Devínska Nová Ves"). In term of tram you can find 310 places (like "Tram 3: Jungmannova => Komisárky", "Tram 7: Stn. Vinohrady => Hlavná stanica", "Tram 4: Zlaté piesky => Pri kríži"). About bike rentals, 159 possibilities exist (like "WhiteBikes - STEIN", "IKEA").
In term of tourism places you can find 721 places (like "Most hrdinov Dukly", "Zjednotenie", "Amfiteáter").
You can find 20 butchers locally like "Mäso Údeniny Ryby - "Pod kúpaliskom"", "Starý Mäsiar", "Fabuš" In term of bakeries you can find 79 places (like "Crustino", "Radopeka"). For supermarkets you have 529 places with "Potraviny Delia", "dm", "Tchibo Outlet" for example.
About dentists, 112 possibilities exist (like "Family Dental Care", "SPM"). The area offers 55 spots in the "hospitals" category. As "MUDr. Viera Polláková, detská ambulancia pre deti a dorast", "Medichir s.r.o.", 104 doctors exist in the area. You can find 40 veterinarians locally like "VetAnet", "Veterinárna nemocnica Bennett" In term of pharmacies you can find 211 location in the region (like "Dr. Max", "Pharmex", "Lekáreň sv. Alžbety").
About banks and/or ATMs, 169 possibilities exist (like "Slovenská záručná a rozvojová banka", "Home Credit"). The area offers 60 spots in the "post offices" category. For hotels you have 105 locations. As "Bowl", "Športové centrum polície", 177 sport places exist in the area. In term of town halls you can find 24 location in the region (like "Miestny úrad Bratislava - Vajnory", "Miestny úrad Bratislava - Rača"). In term of police stations you can find 30 places (like "Obvodné oddelenie Policajného zboru Bratislava Rusovce", "Oddelenie cudzineckej polície"). For fire stations you have 16 places with "Hasičská stanica 5", "Hasičská zbrojnica", "Hasičská stanica 1" for example. About parks, 225 possibilities exist (like "Park Družby", "Koliba Highlands").