As "Twin City Liner: Bratislava -> Wien", 1 ferries exist in the area. You can find 13 train stations locally like "Bratislava-Petržalka", "Bratislava hlavná stanica", "Bratislava-Lamač" In term of charging stations you can find 43 places (like "Hotel Danubia Gate", "Urban Residence Ba", "ZSE BLUMENTAL Rezidencia"). About bike rentals, 158 possibilities exist (like "Holíčska / Šintavská", "WhiteBikes - MIEROVA"). For tram you have 310 locations. As "M R Stefanik", 1 airports exist in the area. In term of trolleybus you can find 431 location in the region (like "Trolejbus 49: Mliekarenská => NÚSCH", "Trolejbus 44: Búdková => Koliba"). In term of motorway entrances you can find 91 places (like "D1", "D2", "D4"). For parkings you have 105 places with "WestEnd Parking", "parkovisko SND" for example. The area offers 59 spots in the "car washes" category. As "Autopožičovňa Abrix", "Sixt", "MT rental", 3 car renting exist in the area. In term of gas stations you can find 94 location in the region (like "Slovnaft", "ČS Bratislava, Galvaniho", "Shell"). In term of bus you can find 2173 places (like "Bus 80: Kollárovo nám. => Nesto", "Bus 139: Cintorín Slávičie=> Riviéra").
The major streets are the following: Líščie Údolie, Mierová, Dúbravská Cesta, Mudroňova, Ivanská Cesta.
As "Vet", "Veterinárna klinika LapVet", "Vererinárna ambulancia", 36 veterinarians exist in the area. You can find 202 pharmacies locally like "Lekáreň sv. Michala", "Lekáreň Pharmacy 4U", "Lekáreň CBC" In term of hospitals you can find 54 location in the region (like "Univerzitná nemocnica Bratislava – Nemocnica Ružinov", "Detské kardiocentrum"). For doctors you have 93 places with "MUDr. Táňa Tomková", "Detské oddelenie", "Mudr. Petra Džuppová" for example. About dentists, 110 possibilities exist (like "MUDr. Andrej Elan", "Stomatochirurgia", "Vital Dent").
About supermarkets, 507 possibilities exist (like "Korzo Bratislava Shopping Park", "DELIA", "Billa"). The area offers 19 spots in the "butchers" category. For bakeries you have 76 locations.
For universities you have 51 locations. You can find 81 playgrounds locally like "Dopravné ihrisko", "Mestský park Petržalka city - Detský svet", "Belopotockého parčík" In term of nurseries you can find 178 location in the region (like "Tesavi - Súkromná bilingválna materská škola", "Materská škola Švantnerova"). For schools you have 222 places with "Stredná zdravotnícka škola", "SZUŠ Art Pegas", "ZŠ Mudroňova" for example.
In term of ice cream vendors you can find 54 places (like "Marinela", "Special Gelato"). For cinemas you have 15 places with "Foajé", "Kino Mladosť", "Cinema City" for example. About bars/cafes, 825 possibilities exist (like "Babinec", "Bootca Bar", "Cukráreň Arriba"). For restaurants you have 1155 locations.
For banks and/or ATMs you have 168 places with "Prima banka", "" for example. The area offers 214 spots in the "parks" category. As "Miestny úrad Bratislava - Nové Mesto", "Miestny úrad Bratislava - Vajnory", 18 town halls exist in the area. You can find 52 post offices locally like "Bratislava 218", "Bratislava 31", "Oddelenie dodávania balíkov Bratislava-Petržalka" In term of police stations you can find 30 location in the region (like "Obvodné oddelenie Policajného zboru Petržalka - Sever", "Obvodné oddelenie Policajného zboru Nové Mesto - Západ"). In term of fire stations you can find 15 places (like "Závod protipožiarnej ochrany železníc", "FF Pama", "FF Berg"). About hotels, 96 possibilities exist (like "Aplent City Hotel Perugia", "ARCADIA Hotel"). For sport places you have 163 locations.
You can find 638 tourism places locally like "Galéria Bořek Šípek", "Stretnutie", "Ovsištská riviéra"
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