The major streets are the following: Myslavská, Sv. Ladislava, Hlavná, Mliečna, Ťahanovská.
In term of schools you can find 115 location in the region (like "Súkromná ZŠ", "Obchodná akadémia Watsonova", "Gymnázium na Alejovej 1"). In term of universities you can find 53 places (like "katedra chémie, biochémie a biofyziky - ústav farmaceutickej a lekárskej chémie, ústav biochémie, ústav biofyziky a biomatematiky", "katedra biológie a genetiky; ústav biologie, zoológie a rádiobiológie; ústav vedeckých informácií a knižnica; múzeum histórie veterinárneho lekárstva UVL v košiciach", "Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave, Podnikovohospodárska fakulta v Košiciach"). For nurseries you have 74 places with "Evanjelická materská škola", "Materská škola Šebastovce" for example. About playgrounds, 16 possibilities exist (like "K Park", "Detské ihrisko MŠ bl. Imeldy", "Safari park").
The area offers 1 spots in the "airports" category. For tram you have 224 locations. As "Shell", "Slovnaft", "TAM Autohof", 43 gas stations exist in the area. You can find 35 car washes locally like "Napeň.to", "Slovnaft", "CarRebirth" In term of charging stations you can find 16 location in the region (like "Business Center Tesla 2", "OC Galeria Kosice", "TRIDIAM"). In term of car renting you can find 12 places (like "Felbermayr", "Share'ngo"). For train stations you have 9 places with "Barca", "Vpred", "Haniska pri Košiciach" for example. About bike rentals, 115 possibilities exist (like "Hotel Roca", "Trieda KVP, Zdravotné stredisko", "Jána Pavla II."). The area offers 2 spots in the "motorway entrances" category. For bus you have 341 locations. As "Odstavná plocha", "P2", 23 parkings exist in the area.
You can find 272 tourism places locally like "Okrídlený robotník", "Thália", "Zvon svätý Ján"
For ice cream vendors you have 13 locations. As "Frank", "Big Burger", "UGO", 356 restaurants exist in the area. In term of bars/cafes you can find 384 location in the region (like "Fontána Coffee", "Košický Hostinec"). In term of cinemas you can find 8 places (like "Záhradné kino", "FK Cinefil").
About butchers, 21 possibilities exist (like "Spiš Market", "Vijofel", "Šagát"). The area offers 43 spots in the "bakeries" category. For supermarkets you have 290 locations.
In term of hospitals you can find 48 location in the region (like "Nefrologia", "Poliklinika Terasa"). In term of doctors you can find 22 places (like "Neurologické oddelenie", "Gynekologická ambulancia", "Očné oddelenie"). For dentists you have 25 places with "Mint Dental", "Family Dental Care", "Zubno-lekárska pohotovosť" for example. About veterinarians, 7 possibilities exist (like "Súkromná veterinárna pohotovosť mesta Košice", "Vetanimal", "Slon"). The area offers 117 spots in the "pharmacies" category.
For police stations you have 31 places with "PZ SR, Okresné riaditeľstvo v Košiciach, Oddelenie dokladov a úsek zbraní a streliva", "MsP Košice, Stanica Východ", "PZ SR, Obvodné oddelenie Košice - Nad Jazerom" for example. About town halls, 29 possibilities exist (like "Miestny úrad MČ Pereš", "Miestny úrad MČ Dargovských hrdinov", "Historická radnica"). The area offers 37 spots in the "hotels" category. For sport places you have 93 locations. As "9", "Lesopark Furča", 43 parks exist in the area. You can find 3 fire stations locally like "HaZZ Košice", "Požiarna stanica U. S. Steel" In term of banks and/or ATMs you can find 269 location in the region (like "ČSOB", "Tatra banka"). In term of post offices you can find 33 places (like "Košice 23", "Košice 3", "Košice 7").
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