You can find 10 dentists locally like "Vajda Ján", "Zubná technika Lidia Šabíková", "100matolog" In term of hospitals you can find 12 location in the region (like "ProCare poliklinika", "Medicentrum"). In term of pharmacies you can find 36 places (like "Lekáreň Pharmacum", "Lekáreň Klokočina"). About doctors, 29 possibilities exist (like "Urologické oddelenie", "Kardiocentrum Nitra, s.r.o.", "Medical MKP"). The area offers 6 spots in the "veterinarians" category.
For tourism places you have 75 locations.
For universities you have 14 locations. As "Materská škola", "MŠ Za humnami", "Piaristická Materská škola", 31 nurseries exist in the area. In term of schools you can find 48 location in the region (like "Súkromná materská a základná škola UNES", "Stredná odborná škola techniky a služieb", "Piaristická spojená škola sv. Jozefa Kalazanského"). For playgrounds you have 8 places with "Detské Ihrisko", "Ihrisko-Trampolíny" for example.
The following are the major streets: Kláštorská, Wilsonovo Nábrežie, Šúdolská, Vašinova, Kamenná.
About parks, 8 possibilities exist (like "RED OAK VILLAGE", "GOLF RESORT NITRA", "Plocha pre voľný pohyb psov"). For hotels you have 21 locations. As "Mestský úrad Nitra", "Úrad nitrianskeho samosprávneho kraja", "Obecný úrad Nitranske Hrnčiarovce", 4 town halls exist in the area. You can find 52 banks and/or ATMs locally like "Privatbanka", "Tatra banka" In term of police stations you can find 4 places (like "Polícia", "Krajská prokuratúra Nitra", "Mestská polícia"). For post offices you have 12 places with "Nitra 3", "Nitra 5" for example. About fire stations, 3 possibilities exist (like "Hasičská stanica Nitra - Dražovce", "Hasičská stanica Selenec"). The area offers 24 spots in the "sport places" category.
For supermarkets you have 83 places with "Lidl", "Terno", "Homebox" for example. About bakeries, 4 possibilities exist (like "Nitrianske pekárne", "Chlieb a pečivo Martinec"). For butchers you have 5 locations.
You can find 1 bike rentals locally like "Župné námestie" In term of charging stations you can find 7 places (like "ZSE Poliklinika Klokocina", "Agro Complex Apartments"). About car washes, 12 possibilities exist (like "Prvá ručná autoumyváreň", "CarBax"). The area offers 18 spots in the "gas stations" category. For train stations you have 3 locations. You can find 28 motorway entrances locally like "R1a", "R1" In term of car renting you can find 1 location in the region (like "ZOBOR RENT"). In term of bus you can find 597 places (like "Bus 14: Nitrianske strojárne => Gorazdova", "Bus 10: Kmeťova => Lanovka", "Bus 6: Gorazdova => Edisonova"). For parkings you have 53 places with "Kalvária", "Parkovisko Nay" for example.
About bars/cafes, 123 possibilities exist (like "Guteva", "Tremes"). The area offers 2 spots in the "cinemas" category. For ice cream vendors you have 6 locations. As "Lafimo", "Starý Biskupský Hostinec", "Ristorante Pizzeria Toscana", 101 restaurants exist in the area.
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