In term of tourism places you can find 56 location in the region (like "Vix", "VTNP - PTP").
The major streets are the following: Dolná Trnovská, Juraja Závodského, Bytčianska, Námestie Sv. Jána Bosca, Horná Trnovská.
About butchers, 5 possibilities exist (like "Šmak plus", "TAURIS Cassovia"). The area offers 74 spots in the "supermarkets" category. As "Pekáreň u Ďuroška", "Post Bakery", 5 bakeries exist in the area.
About dentists, 3 possibilities exist (like "Zubná pohotovosť Žilina", "TN dental", "I LOVE DENT"). The area offers 8 spots in the "doctors" category. As "MVDr. Dana Staníková", "Veterinárna klinika Žilina s.r.o.", "Veterinárna nemocnica Anima", 3 veterinarians exist in the area. In term of pharmacies you can find 20 location in the region (like "Plus Lekáreň", "Salve", "Paracelsus"). For hospitals you have 1 places with "Fakultná nemocnica s poliklinikou Žilina" for example.
About charging stations, 8 possibilities exist (like "Hotel Holiday Inn Žilina", "Penzión Martinov Dvor", "Pumpa VOMS"). The area offers 2 spots in the "motorway entrances" category. As "Tesco", "Parkovisko T18", 12 parkings exist in the area. You can find 2 car washes locally like "DiBO", "Autofit" In term of bike rentals you can find 31 places (like "Borová", "Hlinská"). For gas stations you have 22 places with "Shell", "Benzina" for example. About bus, 9 possibilities exist (like "Bus 20: Rosinská, VÚVT => Byčica", "Bus 50: Železničná stanica => Stodolova"). The area offers 1 spots in the "train stations" category. For trolleybus you have 51 locations.
In term of nurseries you can find 21 places (like "Súkromná materská škola „SOVIČKA“", "Materská škola"). For playgrounds you have 3 places with "Hola hop", "Detské ihrisko pri soche J.M. Hurbana - Budatín", "Detské dopravné ihrisko" for example. The area offers 57 spots in the "schools" category. For universities you have 12 locations.
For hotels you have 16 places with "Villa Nečas", "Holiday Inn", "G hotel" for example. About fire stations, 3 possibilities exist (like "Záchranná brigáda HaZZ v Žiline", "Hasičská zbrojnica"). The area offers 7 spots in the "town halls" category. For parks you have 13 locations. As "Okresné riaditeľstvo Policajného Zboru Žilina", "OO PZ Žilina - okolie", 6 police stations exist in the area. In term of post offices you can find 14 location in the region (like "Žilina 15", "Teplička nad Váhom"). In term of sport places you can find 17 places (like "Fit Up!", "Mirage Bowling"). For banks and/or ATMs you have 32 places with "Všeobecná úverová banka", "Slovenská sporiteľňa", "UniCredit Bank" for example.
As "Caffe Amore", "Marína", "Piváreň Márnica", 111 bars/cafes exist in the area. In term of ice cream vendors you can find 3 location in the region (like "Zmrzlina Scoop", "Zmrzlina 4emotion Rosina", "Žilinská zmrzlina"). In term of cinemas you can find 2 places (like "Ster Century Cinemas", "CineMax"). For restaurants you have 105 places with "Zeppelin pub", "Ling Feng" for example.
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