About tourism places, 3 possibilities exist (like "الغرفة الاجتماع العام - عرمو - صومال", "البيت د.يسين عرتن").
For universities you have 1 locations. As "التعليم العالي معهد ماما لتعليم العامة", 1 nurseries exist in the area. You can find 2 schools locally like "مدرسة الامام النووي", "PIDAM"
For airports you have 1 locations. As "Barxadda Golis", 1 parkings exist in the area.
You can find 2 hospitals locally like "مستشفي امامة - عرمو - بنتدلاد - صومال", "BanderQasim Hospital"
In term of supermarkets you can find 2 places (like "Bosaso Mall", "Cigale market").
In term of hotels you can find 5 location in the region (like "Gacayte Hotel", "Hotel Daalo", "Bosaso hotel"). In term of parks you can find 1 places (like "Beerta Rays ( Colaad)"). For police stations you have 1 places with "Stashinka" for example.
These are the principal cities: Bosaso.
The area offers 2 spots in the "restaurants" category.