You can find 3 schools locally like "Alifdoon Preimery School", "Bilaal Collage", "Malcamada Daar Al Hikma"
The following are the major streets: Hashi Kabadoon Street, Birjeex Street, Faarax Nuur Street, Hugur Street.
In term of bars/cafes you can find 1 places (like "Adan Gaash Cafeteria").
The area offers 1 spots in the "hospitals" category. For pharmacies you have 1 locations.
About bakeries, 1 possibilities exist (like "Moofada Badhka"). For supermarkets you have 2 locations.
You can find 1 gas stations locally like "Al Nuurayn Fuel station"
As "Warshada caanaha", 1 parks exist in the area.
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