As "Moi Girls Secondary School", "Mandera DEB", 4 schools exist in the area.
You can find 1 police stations locally like "Police Station" In term of sport places you can find 1 location in the region (like "Mandera Stadium"). For banks and/or ATMs you have 1 places with "Equity Bank Mandera" for example. The area offers 1 spots in the "post offices" category. As "Mandera Town Hall", 1 town halls exist in the area. You can find 3 hotels locally like "Mandera Palace Hotel", "Kornesh Hotel and Lodging"
For restaurants you have 2 locations.
In term of gas stations you can find 6 location in the region (like "Dido Service Station", "Haji Bullow Petrol Station", "Munawara Petroleum Product and Service Station").