For pharmacies you have 1 locations.
The main streets are the following: Wellington Street, State Avenue, University Road, Maridi-Yambio Highway, Yambio-Nzara Road.
You can find 2 banks and/or ATMs locally like "Equity Bank", "Nile Commercial Bank" In term of police stations you can find 1 location in the region (like "Masiya Police Station"). In term of hotels you can find 1 places (like "Kabash Inn").
For schools you have 6 places with "Nabima Primary School", "Joseph Gasi Secondary School", "Yabongo Girls School" for example. About playgrounds, 1 possibilities exist (like "Masiya playground").
As "Shabelle", "Pearl Petroleum", "Taam Petroleum", 3 gas stations exist in the area.
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