The currency symbol is FCFA, and the ISO code for that currency is XAF. In 2021 the GDP was $11,779,980,801 USD, placing it at position 132 in the market.
People from this country speak these languages: Arabic, French. N'Djamena is the nation's capital and the country has a border with Cameroon, Central African Republic, Libya, Niger, Nigeria, South Sudan. The area of the country is 1,284,000 km², they use a postcode system and the main cities are: انجمينا, N'Djaména, Mata, أبشي, Ndjamena.
There are UNESCO listed sites: Lakes of Ounianga, Ennedi Massif: Natural and Cultural Landscape.
There are 14,497,000 people here, or 0.19% of the world's population. In this country, the median age is 37.80 years and the birth growth rate is around 0.12%.
The country's ISO code is TD, telephone numbers begin with +235, the domain name ".td" is used by the country's websites is a good place to find out more details on this country.