Wendland Road, Monkton Road: what's around?

Model.CountryIsoCode.ToLower() flag latitude: 44.22187 / longitude: -73.12596
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In the surrounding area

Education around Wendland Road

If you are looking for a school, "Monkton Central School" it is 6 minutes away by car. The closest playground is named "NFUMC Playground" and is 13 minutes' away by car.

Daily life in Monkton Road

The area offers multiple services for your everyday needs: a park ("Monkton Recreation Park" at 12 minutes with a bike), a hotel ("Inn at Baldwin Creek" at 24 minutes with your car), a fire station ("Monkton Volunteer Fire Department" at 9 minutes by car), a town hall ("Monkton Town Hall" at 21 minutes away by bike), a post office ("Monkton Post Office" at 9 minutes with your car).


The tourist offer of the surroundings is composed as follows: "Starksboro Village Meeting House" at 20 minutes with your car.

Nearby cities

It takes about 39 minutes to reach Burlington with your car.


For the medical needs, you will find in the area: a veterinarian ("Bristol Animal Hospital" at 16 minutes by car), a hospital ("Bristol Rescue" at 16 minutes with your car).


Looking for entertainment or food? The surrounding area offers the following services: a restaurant ("Queen Bee's Snack Bar" at 9 minutes by car), an ice cream vendor ("Vermont Cookie Love" at 14 minutes by car).


For your food shopping, you have: "Jiffy Mart" (20 minutes by car).


You need to refuel you car? The nearest gas station ("Jiffy Mart") is just 20 minutes away by car. Do you have an electric car or plan to have one? The nearest charging station ("Starksboro Town Office") is only 20 minutes’ drive away. Do you need a parking? There is "Monkton Pond" at 20 minutes away by bike.

Within a radius of 10 km

  • 4 Town halls
  • 2 Charging stations
  • 1 Veterinarian
  • 1 Hospital
  • 1 Playground
  • 9 Schools
  • 1 Tourism place
  • 12 Parks
  • 2 Parkings
  • 3 Fire stations
  • 2 Restaurants
  • 1 Hotel
  • 2 Post offices

Closest areas



  • Monkton Central School
    6 minutes
  • NFUMC Playground
    13 minutes


  • Starksboro Town Office
    20 minutes
  • Jiffy Mart
    20 minutes


  • Jiffy Mart
    20 minutes


  • Queen Bee's Snack Bar
    9 minutes
  • Vermont Cookie Love
    14 minutes

Daily life

  • Monkton Recreation Park
    5 minutes
  • Inn at Baldwin Creek
    24 minutes
  • Monkton Volunteer Fire Department
    9 minutes
  • Monkton Town Hall
    8 minutes
  • Monkton Post Office
    9 minutes


  • Bristol Animal Hospital
    16 minutes
  • Bristol Rescue
    16 minutes


  • Starksboro Village Meeting House
    20 minutes


  • Monkton Central School
    15 minutes


  • Monkton Pond
    20 minutes


  • Queen Bee's Snack Bar
    20 minutes

Daily life

  • Monkton Recreation Park
    12 minutes
  • Monkton Volunteer Fire Department
    25 minutes
  • Monkton Town Hall
    21 minutes
  • Monkton Post Office
    25 minutes

Street numbers

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