Split Rock Road 630, Monkton: what's around?

Model.CountryIsoCode.ToLower() flag latitude: 44.22827 / longitude: -73.1683
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Split Rock Road, in the surrounding area

Daily life around Split Rock Road 630

The area offers multiple services for your everyday needs: a hotel ("Charlotte Inn" at 18 minutes with your car), a police station ("Vergennes Police Department" at 16 minutes with your car), a fire station ("Monkton Volunteer Fire Department" at 11 minutes by car), a post office ("Monkton Post Office" at 11 minutes with your car), a bank and/or an ATM ("People's United Bank" at 14 minutes by car), a park ("Monkton Recreation Park" at 18 minutes away by bike), sport ("Vergennes Union Elementary School Ice Rink" at 15 minutes with your car), a town hall ("Monkton Town Hall" at 10 minutes with your car).

Shopping in Monkton

There is a supermarket nearby: "Jiffy Mart" (16 minutes by car). You can buy your fresh bread in this nearby bakery: "Vergennes Laundry" (15 minutes by car).

Nearby cities

It takes about 41 minutes to reach Burlington with your car.


Looking for tourist points of interest in the area? You will find the following points: "Robeby Museum" at 19 minutes by car.


The closest playground is named "NFUMC Playground" and is 15 minutes' away by car. You can find a close school: "Monkton Central School", in fewer than 8 minutes by car.


Looking for entertainment or food? The surrounding area offers the following services: an ice cream vendor ("Vermont Cookie Love" at 16 minutes with your car), a restaurant ("Starry Night Cafe" at 18 minutes with your car), a bar/cafe ("KB Cafe" at 15 minutes by car).


For any medical needs, you can find in the surroundings: a doctor ("Little City Family Practice" at 15 minutes by car), a pharmacy ("Kinney Drugs" at 14 minutes with your car), a veterinarian ("Vergennes Animal Hospital" at 15 minutes by car).


Do you need to clean you car? You have a car wash ("Vergennes Laundromat and Car Wash") at 14 minutes away by car. In less than 16 minutes, you can find a gas station ("Jiffy Mart") to fill up your gas tank. Do you need a parking? There is "Monkton Pond" at 26 minutes away by bike. Do you have an electric car or plan to have one? The nearest charging station ("DR POWER EQUIP DR POWER 1") is only 15 minutes’ drive away.

Within a radius of 10 km

  • 10 Restaurants
  • 14 Schools
  • 6 Tourism places
  • 1 Car wash
  • 2 Sport places
  • 3 Gas stations
  • 5 Supermarkets
  • 1 Police station
  • 1 Bakery
  • 2 Playgrounds
  • 2 Parkings
  • 4 Bars/cafes
  • 1 Veterinarian
  • 1 Doctor
  • 1 Pharmacy
  • 2 Ice cream vendors
  • 5 Town halls
  • 1 Charging station
  • 11 Parks
  • 4 Banks and/or ATMs
  • 2 Post offices
  • 1 Hotel
  • 5 Fire stations

Closest areas



  • Monkton Central School
    8 minutes
  • NFUMC Playground
    15 minutes


    15 minutes
  • Jiffy Mart
    16 minutes
  • Vergennes Laundromat and Car Wash
    14 minutes


  • Jiffy Mart
    16 minutes
  • Vergennes Laundry
    15 minutes


  • Vermont Cookie Love
    16 minutes
  • Starry Night Cafe
    18 minutes
  • KB Cafe
    15 minutes

Daily life

  • Charlotte Inn
    18 minutes
  • Vergennes Police Department
    16 minutes
  • Monkton Volunteer Fire Department
    11 minutes
  • Monkton Post Office
    11 minutes
  • People's United Bank
    14 minutes
  • Monkton Recreation Park
    7 minutes
  • Vergennes Union Elementary School Ice Rink
    15 minutes
  • Monkton Town Hall
    10 minutes


  • Little City Family Practice
    15 minutes
  • Kinney Drugs
    14 minutes
  • Vergennes Animal Hospital
    15 minutes


  • Robeby Museum
    19 minutes


  • Monkton Central School
    20 minutes


  • Monkton Pond
    26 minutes

Daily life

  • Monkton Recreation Park
    18 minutes
  • Monkton Town Hall
    26 minutes

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