In term of tourism places you can find 1 places (like "Welcome 2 Afrikatown").
You can find 1 bars/cafes locally like "AC Lounge" In term of restaurants you can find 4 location in the region (like "Uncle Willie's BBQ and Fish", "Ole Ole Burrito Express", "Stay Gold Deli").
For supermarkets you have 2 places with "ExtraMile", "San Pablo Market" for example.
In term of hotels you can find 4 places (like "Residence Inn", "Silver Dollar"). For fire stations you have 1 places with "Oakland Fire Station 1" for example.
About hospitals, 1 possibilities exist (like "Healthy Communities, Inc.").
The main streets are the following: Market Street, 14th Street.
About motorway entrances, 2 possibilities exist (like "I 980"). The area offers 2 spots in the "bike rentals" category. For gas stations you have 1 locations. As "AC Transit 14: Fruitvale BART => West Oakland BART", "AC Transit 72: Jack London Square => Hilltop Mall", "AC Transit 72: Hilltop Mall => Jack London Square", 11 bus exist in the area.
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