In term of restaurants you can find 5 location in the region (like "KFC", "Dunkin'", "Wolfert's Roost").
In term of charging stations you can find 4 places (like "PRIMA LOFTS LL ALB LOFTS 1.2", "National Grid - North Albany", "COLE GROUP RIVERHILL 2"). For motorway entrances you have 4 places with "I 90" for example. About gas stations, 2 possibilities exist (like "Gulf", "Mobil").
For parks you have 6 locations. As "8th Hole", "1st Hole", 17 sport places exist in the area.
As "Family Dollar", "Mobil", 3 supermarkets exist in the area.
The area offers 4 spots in the "schools" category.
In term of tourism places you can find 1 location in the region (like "Capital District YMCA").
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