For the medical needs, you will find in the area: a hospital ("Anna Livingston Medical Clinic" at 1 minute by car).
You can find all your daily needs in this nearby supermarket: "Bearfoot Inn" (12 minutes by foot or 1 minute by car).
Looking for tourist points of interest in the area? You will find the following points: "World War II Antenna Area" at 1 minute by car.
You don’t want to own a car, but you still occasionally need one? There is the "Alan & Letty Truck Rental" station where you can rent a shared vehicle just 11 minutes away by foot. Need to park a car? There is a parking lot ("Private Residence") at 10 minutes walk. Need to fill up your car? The closest gas station ("Frosty Fuel Pump") is only 1 minute’ drive away. The nearest airport is Cold Bay and is reachable by car in 2 minutes.
For your daily needs, you can find in the area: a post office ("Cold Bay Post Office" at 8 minutes by foot), a hotel ("Cold Bay Lodge" at 2 minutes away by bike), sport ("Cold Bay Golf Course" at 8 minutes by foot), a police station ("Izembek National Wildlife Refuge Headquarters" at 13 minutes walk), a fire station ("Fire Dept." at 3 minutes with a bike), a town hall ("Community Center" at 4 minutes with a bike), a park ("Bear Rubbing Rock" at 29 minutes with your car).
Cold Bay School is the most convieniently located school: just 4 minutes away by bike. If you are looking for a university, "University of Alaska" it is 1 minute away by car.
Are you looking for an apartment for sale/rent? Or interested by a house? You can check that on Zillow.
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