You can find 8 parks locally like "Prayer Park", "Mahan Park", "Hanson Park/Splash Pad" In term of sport places you can find 1 places (like "Cheshire Hills Golf Course").
In term of gas stations you can find 6 location in the region (like "Village Xpress", "Sunoco"). In term of charging stations you can find 1 places (like "Allegan General Hospital").
About schools, 24 possibilities exist (like "Diamond School", "Outlook Academy"). For playgrounds you have 1 locations.
The main streets are the following: Lincoln Road, Monroe Street, Marshall Street, 44th Street, Western Avenue.
For hospitals you have 1 locations.
About cinemas, 1 possibilities exist (like "Old Regent Theatre"). For bars/cafes you have 1 locations. As "java shack", "Subway", 7 restaurants exist in the area.
As "Village Xpress", "Speedway", 12 supermarkets exist in the area.
About tourism places, 2 possibilities exist (like "Skill Building Center", "Old Regent Theatre").
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