The tourist offer of the surroundings is composed as follows: "Dr. Asa Goodrich House" at 14 minutes by car.
Looking for entertainment or food? The surrounding area offers the following services: a bar/cafe ("Splash" at 13 minutes by car), a restaurant ("Crane's Pie Pantry Restaurant" at 9 minutes by foot), an ice cream vendor ("Dairy Dayz" at 16 minutes with your car).
There is a supermarket nearby: "Fennville Shell Value Market" (10 minutes by bike or 4 minutes by car).
It takes about 50 minutes to reach Grand Rapids with your car. In 59 minutes you can reach Kalamazoo. Wyoming is 47 minutes away by car. It takes about 51 minutes to reach Kentwood with your car.
Need to fill up your car? The closest gas station ("Shell") is only 4 minutes’ drive away. Do you need to charge an electric car? The nearest charging station ("ROAN & BLACK") is just 18 minutes away by car. The I 196;US 31 motorway is reachable in 17 minutes.
For your daily needs, you can find in the area: a hotel ("AmericInn by Wyndham Douglas/Saugatuck" at 12 minutes by car), a post office ("Fennville Post Office" at 4 minutes by car), a park ("Lawrence A. and Mary Bell Wade Memorial Nature Sanctuary" at 16 minutes with your car), sport ("Ravines Golf Club" at 20 minutes with your car), a police station ("Fennville Police Department" at 10 minutes away by bike).
Peach Belt School is the most convieniently located school: just 9 minutes away by bike.
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