Rocky Road Lane, 21555 Oldtown: what's around?

Model.CountryIsoCode.ToLower() flag latitude: 39.62094 / longitude: -78.62037
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In the surrounding area

Tourism around Rocky Road Lane

The tourist offer of the surroundings is composed as follows: "Rocky Gap State Park Welcome Center" at 22 minutes with your car.

Entertainment in Oldtown

As far as catering and entertainment is concerned, you will find: a restaurant ("Schoolhouse Kitchen" at 20 minutes by car).


The motorway I 68;US 40 can be reached in 24 minutes. Do you need to charge an electric car? The nearest charging station ("Rocky Gap Casino Resort") is just 22 minutes away by car.


For your food shopping, you have: "Millstone Country Store" (23 minutes by car).

Daily life

For your daily needs, you can find in the area: a bank and/or an ATM ("ACT 1st Federal Credit Union" at 20 minutes by car), a hotel ("Rocky Gap Casino Resort" at 22 minutes by car), a park ("Sugar Hollow Heritage Conservation Fund Site" at 12 minutes by car), a post office ("Oldtown Post Office" at 20 minutes with your car).


The closest university is named "Science Building" and is 24 minutes' away by car. If you are looking for a school, "Oldtown K-12 School" it is 20 minutes away by car.

Within a radius of 10 km

  • 8 Motorway entrances
  • 2 Hotels
  • 1 School
  • 7 Parks
  • 1 Post office
  • 2 Tourism places
  • 1 Restaurant
  • 1 Supermarket
  • 2 Charging stations

Closest areas



  • Oldtown K-12 School
    20 minutes
  • Science Building
    24 minutes


  • I 68;US 40
    24 minutes
  • Rocky Gap Casino Resort
    22 minutes


  • Millstone Country Store
    23 minutes


  • Schoolhouse Kitchen
    20 minutes

Daily life

  • ACT 1st Federal Credit Union
    20 minutes
  • Rocky Gap Casino Resort
    22 minutes
  • Sugar Hollow Heritage Conservation Fund Site
    12 minutes
  • Oldtown Post Office
    20 minutes


  • Rocky Gap State Park Welcome Center
    22 minutes

Daily life

  • Sugar Hollow Heritage Conservation Fund Site
    24 minutes

Street numbers

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