Echo Drive, 95685 Sutter Creek: what's around?

Model.CountryIsoCode.ToLower() flag latitude: 38.44306 / longitude: -120.76862
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In the surrounding area

Daily life around Echo Drive

For your daily needs, you can find in the area: a fire station ("Cal Fire Amador El Dorado Unit Sutter Hill Station 60" at 32 minutes with your car), a hotel ("Imperial Hotel" at 33 minutes by car), sport ("Gold Country Lanes" at 33 minutes with your car), a bank and/or an ATM ("Ione Bank of Miwok Indians" at 40 minutes by car), a police station ("Sutter Creek Police Department" at 30 minutes with your car), a town hall ("Sutter Creek City Hall" at 30 minutes by car), a park ("Minnie Provis Park" at 30 minutes with your car), a post office ("Amador City Post Office" at 33 minutes by car).

Medical in Sutter Creek

For the medical needs, you will find in the area: a veterinarian ("South Main Veterinary Hospital" at 30 minutes with your car), a hospital ("WellSpace Health" at 34 minutes with your car).


In fewer than 37 minutes, you can find a charging station ("Avio Vineyards - Tesla Destination") for your electric car. In less than 32 minutes, you can find a gas station ("Shell") to fill up your gas tank.


There is a supermarket nearby: "Walgreens" (33 minutes by car). There is a bakery in the area: "Andre's Bakery" (33 minutes by car).


The surroundings offer tourist interests: "Sutter Gold Mine" at 34 minutes with your car.


Looking for entertainment or food? The surrounding area offers the following services: a bar/cafe ("Back Roads Coffee House" at 30 minutes with your car), an ice cream vendor ("Sutter Creek Ice Cream Emporium" at 30 minutes by car), a restaurant ("Element" at 30 minutes by car).


If you are looking for a school, "Amador City School" it is 34 minutes away by car.

Within a radius of 10 km

  • 3 Veterinarians
  • 2 Fire stations
  • 4 Post offices
  • 11 Charging stations
  • 10 Hotels
  • 1 Bakery
  • 25 Restaurants
  • 2 Sport places
  • 12 Schools
  • 3 Banks and/or ATMs
  • 11 Parks
  • 1 Hospital
  • 6 Gas stations
  • 2 Ice cream vendors
  • 15 Tourism places
  • 2 Parkings
  • 1 Police station
  • 9 Supermarkets
  • 6 Bars/cafes
  • 2 Town halls

Closest areas



  • Amador City School
    34 minutes


  • Avio Vineyards - Tesla Destination
    37 minutes
  • Shell
    32 minutes


  • Walgreens
    33 minutes
  • Andre's Bakery
    33 minutes


  • Back Roads Coffee House
    30 minutes
  • Sutter Creek Ice Cream Emporium
    30 minutes
  • Element
    30 minutes

Daily life

  • Cal Fire Amador El Dorado Unit Sutter Hill Station 60
    32 minutes
  • Imperial Hotel
    33 minutes
  • Gold Country Lanes
    33 minutes
  • Ione Bank of Miwok Indians
    40 minutes
  • Sutter Creek Police Department
    30 minutes
  • Sutter Creek City Hall
    30 minutes
  • Minnie Provis Park
    30 minutes
  • Amador City Post Office
    33 minutes


  • South Main Veterinary Hospital
    30 minutes
  • WellSpace Health
    34 minutes


  • Sutter Gold Mine
    34 minutes

Street numbers

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